There are 12 leads in the standard surface electrocardiogram, 3 bipolar and 9 unipolar. The electrodes for bipolar and 3 of the unipolar are placed on the limbs, there are known as limb leads, the remaining 6 unipolar leads are on the chest.

Why are there 12 ECG leads ??


Chest leads or precordial leads are unipolar leads that record the potential difference between an exploring electrode and a neutral electrode. The six precordial leads V1- V6 are positive electrodes placed at six different positions as follows:

V1: 4th intercostal space to the right of the sternum

V2 :4th intercostal space to the left the of sternum

V4: 5th intercostal space in the midclavicular lineV3: Midway between V2 and V4

V5: 5th intercostal space in the anterior axillary line

V6: 5th intercostal space in the midaxillary line



Each lead look at the heart from different angle


click for ECG tracing of each lead



The limb leads view the heart in a vertical plane called the frontal plane. Each lead has its own specific view of the heart at different angle.

Bipolar Limb Leads

Bipolar limb leads record the differeces in potential between 2 limbs

Lead I : Between left arm and right arm with left arm is positive.

Lead II: Between right arm and left leg with left leg is positive.

Lead III: Between left arm and left leg with left leg is positive.

click for ECG tracing of each lead

The axis of three bipolar limb leads form a triangle known as the Einthoven's Triangle. The electrodes for all the 3 leads are about equidistant from the heart, thus the triangle they form is equilateral.

Unipolar limb leads

Unipolar limb leads record the potential difference between one limb and a neutral electrode. The recording obtained from unipolar limb leads are small, therefore the augmented limb leads are generally used. These leads record electrical activity between one lead and the other two limbs. The size of the potential is increased by 50 % without changing the configuration of the record.

aVR: Right arm positive. Click for electrode connection

aVL: Left arm positive. Click for electrode connection

aVF: Left foot positive. Click for electrode connection

click for ECG tracing of each lead

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